CF Enlightenment

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Strength for the Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I support my soul, and where do I get the strength to do this work?" As you support your I AM presence within you daily, you achieve little accomplishments, little awakenings, which then lead to bigger...


You Are a Soul in Evolution – Sunday Course

Exploring How Your Soul Evolved You Are a Soul in Evolution Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday's course? How are you applying...

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Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Our Inner Searchlight

Light is a vibration. Each of us is recognized by the vibrancy of our light. The more we meditate the more brilliantly our light shines forth. As we move into higher consciousness, we have the ability within us to transmit energy and light wherever we go, which...

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Being the Active Observer

Revelations help us to be the Observer of our life situations so we can make new choices that support our soul. Ponder on this: What have you observed about yourself this week that has helped you make new choices? Share your thoughts and blessings of love to you!

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Change Brings New Opportunities!

Change is inevitable when we meditate because we are connecting with a force and energy which is directed to bringing new possibilities into our lives. Through the process of change we become aware of new opportunities and revelations come to us more rapidly.

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Living Energies

As we become aware of the living energies manifested in all aspects of nature and every living thing, and learn to connect with these energies, we become a vibrant living force which affects all human evolution. So as we grow in consciousness we become a powerful...

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Inner Vision

When inner vision has been attained through the practice of meditation, light streams forth and revitalization takes place. At first it is a flash of wondrous information and instinctive realization and then, as progress is being made, it develops into understanding...

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Discriminating Between Soul and Personality

Meditation keeps the channel of communication open between the Soul and brain, via the mind. The first thing we have to do is learn to discriminate between our Soul’s vibration and our personality’s vibration. As you meditate, you learn to differentiate...

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Still the Mind

Each time we still our mind, even for 10 minutes, a new energy shift takes place. This shift in energy sharpens our intuitive mind. The result is we are able to solve problems with greater understanding and make better choices for ourselves. Ponder on this –...

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Our Mind Is Like A Search Light

Our mind is like a search light. It can focus in the past, the future or the NOW! Staying focused in the NOW we are consciously present in any given moment and are able to access our higher consciousness. Ponder on this – What are you doing to stay in the NOW...

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