Life Energy Is Flowing through You

God expresses as the energy, vibration and life of every “soul.” This is our “life energy.” We are all responsible for our own evolution. It takes time and patience; and, at the end of our journey, we discover our whole Self in God. Action to...

Forgive to Be Free from the Karmic Law

By learning to work with the Law of Karma (cause and effect), we begin to understand that we are evolving souls. Through love and forgiveness, we free ourselves from future incarnations. Action to take: If there is a “soul” in your life that you have...

Embrace New Possibilities with Joy and Enthusiasm

As we move into a new state of being, everything gets changed. We look at our lives differently through a new lens; and, we must fearlessly adjust to the new possibilities coming our way. Action to take: Embrace these new possibilities with joy and...

Welcome Every Opportunity to Grow

We are never put into circumstances which are insurmountable. Our soul is completely attuned and capable of taking the challenge on. Situations are in our life to help us evolve to a higher state of awareness. Action to take: Welcome every situation or problem that...

How to Navigate the Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey has many curves in the road. That is why developing your intuition and daily meditation is so important. By being diligent you will be able to navigate without wasting time, running into unnecessary detours and be able to arrive at your spiritual...

Find Yourself, Find God

We are driven by our desires. The only real desire that we must nurture is the desire to be One with your real Self. When we find ourselves, we find God. Action to take: Take a moment to examine your desires. What truly are your desires?