Beloved Soul in Evolution, Happy Easter! We’ve been waiting for forty days for this day to come and Easter is finally here with its new energy, its new vibration, and a new opportunity to expand our consciousness. I am so excited because we are changing; we are...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, On this Palm Sunday, I felt it was important to address Jesus’ evolution into Christ consciousness. You see, Jesus had an evolution just as you and I have an evolution. For Jesus to evolve, he needed the desire to walk into the light. Do you...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, These next forty days are a very important forty days, from now until Easter. This is the time Jesus left his group and went up into the mountains. He spent these forty days in prayer and meditation to prepare himself for his mission. It was...
Moving into the Christ Consciousness is a gradual process that aligns you with your Whole Self. As this shift occurs in your consciousness, you begin to see, hear and experience things differently. You move out of the third dimension slowly but surely. Over time, you...
Have you found a quiet place? By seeking spiritual nourishment daily, our degree of success rapidly improves with each attempt. Perseverance brings rich rewards. The action to take: Find a quiet place. Meditate daily. ...
As the new energy from Easter continues to move us forward, we must allow ourselves to blend with our Higher Self. Our Higher Self that loves, serves and meditates unconditionally, while the ego wants attention for its actions. As we detach from the...