Embrace Change!

The more we learn to trust our intuitive mind, the more it works for us. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we are very attached to because these attachments are holding us back, and our soul is trying to tell us it is time for a change. It is important to...

Leave Your Ego at the Door

Evolution, as we understand it, and as it must be studied by human intellect, is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not as form. We need to consciously take responsibility for the advancement of our consciousness. Action to take: Become an observer of...

Be Like an Olympian and Go for the Gold!

Your spiritual goal is to establish and recognize that the God within is the most important work you can do to benefit your soul’s evolution this lifetime. Action to take: Commit to your daily spiritual practice....


Everything in your life is designed to grow your soul–to teach you a new skill, uncover a hidden strength, or resolve an ancient resentment.  Embrace what is right before you, and listen within for direction as you move through it. Action to take:  Meditation...