Spiritual Power Tools: Support for Your Soul
For thousands of years, the spiritual path has been shrouded in mystery. Spiritual Power Tools was created to de-mystify and de-glamorize soul growth in a simple step-by-step process. Learn compelling ways to create measurable changes in your thoughts and attitudes, and how to support deeper soul awareness. (PDF file)
Download Spiritual Power Tools as a PDF file.
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To purchase this for Kindle, click here to go to Amazon.com.
To purchase this for Nook, click here to go to BarnesandNoble.com.
Herramientas del Poder Espiritual –
Durante miles de años, el camino espiritual ha estado encerrado en el misterio. Este libro promete desmitificar y quitarle el glamour al crecimiento del alma. “Herramientas del Poder Espiritual” proporciona un sencillo proceso que va paso a paso. No hay detalles que lo distraiga, solamente una guía de acciones esenciales y prácticas. Dentro, descubrirá maneras emocionantes de crear cambios tangibles en sus pensamientos, actitudes y decisiones. Utilizando “Herramientas del Poder Espiritual”, descubrirá el conocimiento escondido contenido dentro de su alma. (PDF file)
Download Herramientas del Poder Espiritual – Un Apoyo Para tu Alma as a PDF file.
To purchase this for Kindle, click here to go to Amazon.com.
To purchase this for Nook, click here to go to Barnes and Noble online.
No softcover version available.
Workbook: 7 Steps For Successful Life Transitions – by Jane Elizabeth Hart
Supportive ideas and thought provoking questions help you move through the Seven Step process. There is ample room for journal writing, so you can fully explore the depth of your emotions as you heal. $7.95 (PDF)
You can download the Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions Workbook in e-book form right now. Click “Buy Now” to purchase and download this e-book. $7.95 (pdf file)
S even Steps For Successful Life Transitions CD
Jane Hart takes you on a journey through the Seven Steps, her system for dealing with life changes. This CD explores the depth and necessity of each of the seven steps as we move through life’s transformations. This is a flexible and adaptable process, whether it relates to a friend, family member, business colleague, or even an aspect of you. The relationship can be undergoing any sort of transition, be it by death, disagreement or geographic distance. This formula has stood the test of time and is useful in dealing with any challenge or change in life. This CD concludes with a twenty minute guided Seven Step meditation. (9 audio tracks)
To purchase a hard copy of the CD, click here to order. PayPal button here (or to purchase page?).
Right click each track link below, to download Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions and save onto your computer or mp3 player.
Track 2: Step One: Thank You God
Track 4: Step Three: Hopes and Dreams
Track 5: Step Four: Disappointments and Difficulties
Track 6: Step Five: Forgiveness
Track 8: Step Seven: Completion
Track 9: Seven Step Meditation
Book: Meditation: Your Key to Accessing Universal Consciousness
Jane Hart’s second book is a simple question and answer format, and contains profound information on the subject of meditation and how it affects your soul growth and spiritual awareness. Don’t let your concerns keep you from mediation any longer! (PDF file)
To purchase a copy of the softcover version, click here (or PayPal button?).
Download Meditation: Your Key to Accessing Universal Consciousness as a PDF file.
Or, to purchase this for Kindle, click here to go to Amazon.com.
To purchase for Nook, click here to go to BarnesandNoble.com.
A Guided Meditation to Support the Evolution of Your Soul
Jane Hart guides you through a 30-minute meditation to help you connect with your soul and its wisdom. Great for beginners as well as advanced meditators. Free download. (1 mp3 track)
Click here to order a hard copy of this CD (paypal button)
Right click to download Seven Steps for Creating a New You! and save to your computer or mp3 player.
Seven Steps for Creating a New You!
This CD is specifically designed to help you release aspects of yourself so you can be open to more contact from your soul, and to open to greater possibilities in your life! Jane Hart explains how to use the Seven Step process to improve the most important relationship in your life: the one with yourself. Free mp3 download. (10 mp3 tracks)
Click here to order a hard copy of this CD. (PayPal button?)
Right click on each track to download Seven Steps for Creating a New You! and save to your computer or mp3 player.
Track 1: Taking Steps in Consciousness
Track 2: The Unfoldment of the Seven Step Process
Track 3: Step 1: Gratitude and Acceptance
Track 4: Step 2: Good Times
Track 5: Step 3: Unfulfilled Hopes and Missed Opportunities
Track 6: Step 4: Disappointments and Difficulties
Track 7: Step 5: Forgiveness
Track 8: Step 6: Review and Release
Track 9: Participating in Your Soul’s Evolution
Track 10: Step Seven: Completion and Seven Step Meditation
leep with Your Soul – Relax, Renew, Realign
Jane Elizabeth Hart’s gentle words and soothing music will lead you into the deepest sleep you will ever encounter, where you are renewed and realigned with your soul. Allow this deep relaxation to support your body, mind and spirit. Free mp3 download. (39 minutes)
Right click to download Sleep With Your Soul (Sleep Meditation) and save to your computer or mp3 player.
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