Going Deeper: Understanding Your Emotional Patterns

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Since you have been practicing observing yourself, you have probably noticed times when you have reacted to others or situations from your emotions. It is your assignment on this journey to take responsibility for your emotional reactions and how they affect you and others around you. It helps to realize that […]

Spiritual Thermometer, Emotions, and Karma

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How did you do this past week monitoring yourself when you felt emotionally charged? Did you journal? Did you learn something new about yourself? In this week’s video, I am continuing this discussion on dissolving emotional pain. The Spiritual Thermometer is a spiritual power tool that can help you identify where […]

Cleaning Your House of Consciousness

Beloved Soul in Evolution, In this week’s video, I am addressing Spiritual Power Tool #6: Dissolving Emotional Pain. You have had so many lifetimes, and all those experiences affected where you are today. In order to unravel all those experiences, you have to deal with the emotional pain that has stayed with you. There are […]

Dissolving Emotional Pain

Happy New Year, Beloved Soul in Evolution! Do you want to dissolve your emotional pain this year? When you are working on your soul’s evolution, there are a lot of pent-up emotions that come up to be resolved. You live in the opposites within the third dimension, so an emotional situation that is positive one […]

How to Dissolve Emotional Pain

As we become the guardian of our inner space, and spend more time in the observer mode, we become more conscious of our feelings and emotions.  These are the different forms of emotional pain: Resentment, self-pity, depression, jealousy, anger, guilt. Once we consciously observe our emotions and identify them, a process begins; and we are […]