Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move in your spiritual growth, you naturally experience more love for yourself, others, and the Universe. Love is a vibration that moves you forward. As you connect with your higher Self, you receive more of the love that you give. Love is pure, vibrant energy that holds the Universe […]
Going Deeper – Mind Your Vibration!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As a spiritual student on this journey, you are responsible for the energy that you are sending out to other people. You are a blessing to others when you bring light to others–you lift their vibration with yours. That is a major responsibility as a soul in evolution! As you clear […]
Going Deeper – Own Your God Self
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move into the Presence of the Infinite, you have to own that Presence. How do you do that? You have the responsibility and opportunity to awaken to your Infinite Self in this lifetime. Don’t become complacent with the spiritual understanding you have right now. There is always more to […]
The “Aftermath” of Easter — What Will You Do with that Energy?
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Welcome to the aftermath of Easter! The energy blast came in–what are you going to do with that energy? In this week’s video, I am sharing with you information about energy and how it comes in to support your soul’s evolution. Energy is a spiritual commodity that you can use for […]
We Are Connected to Healing Energy
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Thank you for joining me for these weekly meditations. As we meditate together, we are connected in this healing energy. It is a powerful energy that will change your life at depth. It will help you see yourself and your life in a whole new way. When you still your mind, […]