Beloved Soul in Evolution, Forgiveness, as you know, is very important on this journey. Forgiveness helps you let go of yourself, your self-doubt, false beliefs about yourself. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs from your experiences get “stuffed” into your subconscious. Forgiveness helps you bring it up, look at it, and release it. The release is what […]
Going Deeper – The Many Aspects of Love
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are continuing our exploration of Love this week. How was your experience of observing the difference between human love, that is bound to the opposites, and Real Love, that is beyond love and sorrow? There are many aspects of love. You may be most familiar with human love, but as […]
Going Deeper – Commit to Your Inward Journey
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Involution is the process of going within after many lifetimes of evolving your soul, and unwinding the karma of lifetimes while also learning about who you are as an Infinite Being. That inward journey has many steps to it, and it takes time. You are wired for spiritual awakening! Your desire […]
Going Deeper in 2016 – Be in Integrity with Your Spiritual Journey
Beloved Soul in Evolution, On this spiritual journey, it is important to always keep yourself on track with what you need to be doing to support your forward movement. When you learn one concept, you have to master it before you will receive a new step to work on. Then you recommit yourself to the […]
Releasing the Year through Forgiveness
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your process of releasing the year progressing? Did you have many Hopes and Dreams from this year? Do you find that you recall something to write down each time you journal? In this week’s video, we address the major step in the Seven Step process: Forgiveness. Forgiveness is the […]