Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you do your spiritual work of developing your observer self, you become more in control of your consciousness and more aligned with your true purpose: Being fully aware of your Infinite Self. Your intuition is a valuable piece of equipment on your journey. Your intuitive self knows what is coming […]
Going Deeper: Stilling Your Mind
Beloved Soul in Evolution, At every step along the journey, you are learning to master mind to a greater and greater extent. It is not an easy job to do, as you may already know! It takes courage and persistence to listen and be the Observer of your mind. To have that moment of clarity […]
Moving from the Third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension
Beloved Soul in Evolution, April continues our celebration of the ten year anniversary of Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you have been keeping up with this series on this powerful little book. I’ve been sharing with you deeper meanings within these chapters. This book is my life and is filled with God Essence. In this […]