A soul in service to humanity learns the power of love. Every act of kindness done in love brings more light and power into the world. When we give from the love of our Being and ask nothing in return, we become the richest soul on earth. Action to take: Find...
The spiritual journey is an adventure in change. Every time we get comfortable with our lives, divine discontent takes over. When that happens, God is giving us an opportunity to move forward in our consciousness.The more we resist change, the harder it is to move...
Every day is a new day. Let us embrace our day with joy and excitement. As we let go of our old thought patterns, move into each day expecting a new possibility, and listen to our inner guidance, we open the door of our consciousness and new ideas will flow...
When you have disappointments and difficulties in your life, you get the opportunity to see what you are really made of: strength, courage, wisdom and joy. Let go of those disappointments and difficulties, move forward and embrace the lessons and blessings of...
Hi Group! I enjoyed our time together the last couple of weeks! Here is the meditation from Wednesday: Meditation: Please visit the original post to download. Right click here, then click ‘Save File As’ or ‘Save Link As’ to download October 3...