Moving Into Soul Awareness

The intellectual mind’s main function is to analyze, reason and memorize. The intuitive mind’s main function is to expand our consciousness. As we develop our intuition, our intellectual mind takes second place to the intuitive mind. This enables us to...

The Energy of Easter

You are a soul evolving. Use the energy of Easter to grow, change and move forward in consciousness. Click the player below to listen (autoplays streaming media), OR, you can download the session by clicking the download link and saving to your own computer. Please...

Meditation Develops Intuition

Through meditation our intuitive faculty is developed. Intuition is the bestower of revelations. This is why developing our intuition is so important.

Ignite Your Soul

Connect to the Christ consciousness within you and ignite your soul. Click the player below to listen (autoplays streaming media), OR, you can download the session by clicking the download link and saving to your own computer. Please visit the original post to...