Listen To Inner Guidance

Your soul knows what you need to do! Practicing with your intuitive guidance gives you courage to trust it more and more. Jane talks about how to get out of the way and listen to your intuition. Click the player below to listen (autoplays streaming media), OR, you can...

Conscious Evolution

Evolution, as we understand it, and as it must be studied by human intellect, is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not as form. We need to consciously take responsibility for the advancement of our consciousness. This can be done when we become an...

Winning the Game of Life – Part 6 of 6

Jane Elizabeth expands on the Observer Self, and how it can help you support your soul. Also she emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in your life. Further Resources on this week’s topic: Self Study Lesson on Karma Win the Game of Life (full audio of class)...