Going Deeper: Stilling Your Mind

Beloved Soul in Evolution, At every step along the journey, you are learning to master mind to a greater and greater extent. It is not an easy job to do, as you may already know! It takes courage and persistence to listen and be the Observer of your mind. To have that...

Going Deeper: Happiness Exists within You‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your new year going? This week’s video is a great reminder for the new year that your happiness comes from within you! Most people think that their happiness exists in some acquirement, person or situation in the world. But the...

Año Nuevo, nueva energía

Esto es la época del año para acoger el nuevo vórtice de energía y vibración que entra para apoyar la evolución de su Alma. Acción para tomar: Es de gran importancia que planea un tiempo para meditar, entra en el Silencio y en el momento de AHORA. English: New Year,...