Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you continue meditating and quieting your mind, slowly but surely over time, you will notice that things surface to be addressed. This process is addressed in this week’s video. Pieces of your subconscious “iceberg” are...
¿Cómo identificamos nuestro verdadero ser? En primer lugar, reconocemos que somos almas que han evolucionado a través de eones del tiempo. Hemos tenido muchos identidades. Cada vez que reencarnamos conseguimos una nueva personalidad.Acción...
Beloved Soul in Evolution,As we continue exploring the journey within in this week’s video, it’s important to revisit the process of moving through the subconscious mind. This is where past emotional pain and faulty thinking is stored–which keeps the...
Nuestros deseos son muy importantes, porque Dios cumplirá cada deseo, si no en este tiempo de vida, entonces en una vida futura.Acción para tomar: Haga una lista de los deseos fervientes. A continuación, priorize los deseos. Finalmente,...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, You have been establishing your meditation practice for a while now, and last week I shared about what happens when you meditate. In this week’s video, you get to revisit why you are meditating and working to resolve your emotions and...