Observe Yourself and Embrace Your Changes

Beloved Soul in Evolution, In the past few weeks, you have looked more deeply at your spiritual desire and commitment. This week’s video and journaling questions supports you in reinforcing your Observer Self. Being the Observer Self is one of the most powerful...

Tomar las decisiones correctas

¿Cómo hacemos la elección correcta cuando se enfrenta a una decisión? Hay mucho miedo sobre tomar las decisiones correctas. Nuestra mente tiene una tendencia a renuncia entre “debería” o “no debería...

Crea un puente sobre la brecha entre usted y otros

El ego es un obstáculo para el progreso espiritual. Porque se siente solo y separado, se alimente de ser exclusivo. Cada pensamiento, sentimiento o acción que brota desde el “ego” crea una brecha entre usted mismo y el resto del...

Commitment Is the Key

Beloved Soul in Evolution, After you pay attention to your deep desire for more than this third dimensional world, commitment is the next key to taking responsibility for your soul. Once you recognize the importance of generating sufficient desire energy to begin to...

No Desire Is Ever Lost

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Perhaps by now you can see how important desire is on the spiritual journey–desire to know your whole self more than you desire anything else! The spiritual journey does not consist of gaining material goods, but uncovering the Truth...