CF Enlightenment

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Breaking the Illusion

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you are gaining strength in your meditations, keeping your daily commitment to be still and receptive to your intuition and out-of-body Teacher. In my video discourse today, I address the illusory play of this lifetime that you are...


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Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Observe How the Ego Measures & Compares

The ego lives in the opposites--joy, sorrow, love, hate, etc.--and feels inferior or superior according to its judgment of the situation. The ego constantly measures its limited self with other limited selves because the ego wants to feel special and unique. Since the...

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Dethrone the Limited Ego

Last week's Support For Our Soul was about observing our ego self in action. Our ego keeps us so involved in the desires of the limited self and always justifies its behaviors and actions. It is very tricky. Actions to take to dethrone our limited ego: Continue to...

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On Fire for Moving Forward!

Our souls are on fire to move forward to experience all that we are in every aspect of our life. How is this done??? Action to take: By becoming an active observer or a witness of physical and mental happenings, we develop utter detachment and this lifts us out of our...

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Embrace Each New Day with Joy and Gratitude

Let us begin this new year 2010 with an intensification and refocusing of our hearts and minds on our spiritual journey. This intensity of purpose will change us from simply plodding along the path into "souls on fire" ready for change in every aspect of our life....

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Release & Completion of 2009

We are now ready to take the final two steps which are Release and Completion. The Sixth Step, Release, gives you time to review your progress. You are preparing to fully release your memories, both positive and negative, as well as your dashed hopes, broken...

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Releasing Disappointments and Difficulties

This is the week we take Step Four, Disappointments and Difficulties. The next two steps are of major importance and the most difficult. By journaling and working the process you will find yourself at the end with a whole new consciousness. Action to take: Journaling...

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Releasing Hopes and Dreams

This week we are focusing on the Third Step, Hopes and Dreams, we had for 2009. Now the year is closing and our hopes and dreams are important to review because it gives us an opportunity to acknowledge them and release them to be fulfilled in the future. Action to...

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Remembering & Releasing the Good Times

During the month of December we are preparing our consciousness for 2010. Last week we took the first step, gratitude. Now it is time to embrace the "Good Times" we had in 2009. This week we will be journaling about those delightful times we experienced during the...

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How Has This Year Been Important to You?

We are now moving toward the energy and vibration of the year "2010." It is important to go through a process called "Seven Steps for Moving into the New Year 2010." Action to take: Journaling is a very important part of the releasing process. Step One -- Let's begin...

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