Release the Year – Step One: Gratitude and Acceptance

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Welcome to the Seven Step process for releasing the year! For the next five weeks, I am going to be leading you through the Seven Step process to release the year and welcome 2014 with open arms and new possibilities! Whether or not you have...

Releasing Our Desires and Expectations

By opening our hearts and weeding out all desires except for the one and only true desire–which is desiring and longing for union with the ultimate reality, God–we become one with our Infinite Intelligence.  Let us ponder on this as we continue to...

Time to Release the Year!

Each year brings about some difficulties and disappointments. In order to flush out those old thoughts it is necessary to observe and journal these disappointments and learn what  your Soul is trying to tell you.  I learned the most about myself through my...

Let Go and Move Forward!

When we marry our will with our desire, the next step is to develop courage to make spiritual decisions and to abide by them. It is important to remember that the more courage we develop, the stronger it gets, and the faster we move our consciousness. Ask yourself:...

What Is My Soul Teaching Me Today?

Every day is a new day. Let us embrace our day with joy and excitement. As we let go of our old thought patterns and move into each day expecting a new possibility and listen to our inner guidance, we open the door of our consciousness and new ideas will flow in.    ...

Why Journal?

Why Journal? Recently I was helping a friend with rearranging his home. It was challenging because I felt there was an easier way to get things done. As the day wore on I felt more and more agitated and impatient, not only with the task at hand but also with my...