Beloved Soul in Evolution, Early in this journey of awakening to Infinite Intelligence, I realized that there were rules to life that I didn’t previously know existed. I was playing a game–the Game of Life–without knowing how to play it! In this...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you know by now, one of the most important skills to learn on this journey is to listen to your inner guidance. That is why I chose this week’s video on this very topic. You came into this life with a specific plan for your life....
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As the seasons change around me, I am reminded of the Universal Plan for all souls moving forward in their evolutionary process. In the video I chose for this week, I discuss the evolutionary process and how you fit into it. I remember when...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your daily spiritual practice going? Are you remembering to use your Observer Self throughout the day? Are you committing to your daily meditation practice, even if it feels like nothing is happening? Know that your efforts are always...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Wow! I have been on a wild ride lately, continuing my work on a major project that has found me looking through my class materials, personal writings, and videos from the last several decades! I am preparing something very special to offer...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your Observer Self supporting you? Are you remembering to be the Observer of your actions, the Observer of your thoughts? This is an important tool that belongs to you and helps you master the emotions that will come up on this...