Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you were able to examine your desires this week, and how they drive you. This week, I am on fire for you to desire your God Self enough to take responsibility for awakening to it. I can give you information, inspire you, encourage you, but I cannot take your […]
Desires — Part 1
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How has your life lead you to where you are now on your spiritual journey? I bet you had early experiences that reinforced your desire to awaken. In this week’s video, I share with you a part of my early journey and how it jump-started my heart’s desire to awaken, and […]
God Is in the Midst of Your Real Self
When you have disappointments and difficulties in your life, you get the opportunity to see what you are really made of: strength, courage, wisdom and joy. Let go of those disappointments and difficulties, move forward and embrace the lessons and blessings of those experiences. You are much more than you think you are! The spiritual journey […]
Fan the Fire of Your Desire for God!
God fulfills all desires, and the greatest desire we can have is to know God. Then we can be certain that our desire will be fulfilled. Action to take: Fan the fire of your desire for God through daily meditation and constant listening within. ~ Jane Elizabeth Why Is the Spiritual Path so Important […]
Be Like an Olympian and Go for the Gold!
Your spiritual goal is to establish and recognize that the God within is the most important work you can do to benefit your soul’s evolution this lifetime. Action to take: Commit to your daily spiritual practice. ~ Jane Elizabeth As the 2012 Summer Olympics in London wind down, the media is saying this has […]