Meditation: A Tool for Receiving Guidance

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your exploration in meditation going? Have the questions you’ve been working with supported a deepening in your meditation practice? In this week’s video, I am sharing more about the importance of meditation on the spiritual journey. When you connect with your higher self, you are connecting with all the […]

Observe como el ego mide y se compara

Observe como el ego mide y se compara El ego vive en los opuestos — alegría, tristeza, amor, odio, etc. — y se siente inferior o superior según su juicio de la situación. El ego mide constantemente su ser limitado con otros seres limitados porque el ego quiere sentirse especial y único. En las últimas […]

Destrone el ego limitado

El Apoyo Para Nuestro Alma reciente era sobre la observación del ego. Nuestro ego nos mantiene muy ocupados en los deseos del ser limitado y siempre justifica sus comportamientos y acciones. Es muy peliagudo. Acciones para tomar para destronar nuestro ego limitado: Continua observar y ser testigo al comportamiento de su ego. Mantenga un cuaderno […]

Moving Beyond Your Limited Self

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter, how has your Lenten commitment supported you, and how have you supported your commitment? I am re-sharing this week’s video because I am talking with you about purifying yourself, and going beyond your little “I”. Your Infinite “I” has been with you for eons of time, all […]

Release Your Human Attachments

Beloved Soul in Evolution, At some point on this spiritual journey, you become tired of the goings-on of the third dimensional, human existence. There is more to the living, loving energy of Divine Intelligence than every day, ho-hum life. In this week’s video, I share with you a step that was mine to take to […]