Beloved Soul in Evolution, You are in an awakening process, which is a place on your soul’s evolution where you have never been before. Sometimes the journey gets tough, and you may notice yourself wavering in your perseverance. When that happens, get out your Spiritual Power Tools book, because there is a lot of support […]
Going Deeper: Uncovering Your Subconscious (Part Two)
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How was your exploration of the subconscious this past week? Did you have a personal experience of your own subconscious mind,or notice how it operates in your life? Even though your subconscious “iceberg” may seem daunting, there is a process that is involved which, when you are aware of it, can […]
The Final Steps to Release the Year
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we are at the end of 2014, moving into 2015 tonight! I have been holding you in light and love as you worked on the previous steps of Gratitude, Good Times, Hopes and Dreams, and Disappointments and Difficulties from 2014. In this week’s video, I address the final steps: Forgiveness, […]
Release the Year — Final Steps
The Powerful Step of Forgiveness
By learning to work with the Law of Karma (cause and effect), we begin to understand that we are evolving souls. Through love and forgiveness, we free ourselves from future incarnations. Action to take: If there is a “soul” in your life that you have issues with, forgive them. That is the way to freedom […]