Going Deeper: Uncovering Your Subconscious (Part Two)

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How was your exploration of the subconscious this past week? Did you have a personal experience of your own subconscious mind,or notice how it operates in your life? Even though your subconscious “iceberg” may seem daunting, there is a process that is involved which, when you are aware of it, can […]

Journal to Listen to Intuition, Learn about Yourself, Dismantle the Ego

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Now that you have been working on watching your thinking and stilling those thoughts, I want to revisit the subconscious, karma and the Spiritual Power Tool of journaling in this week’s video. The subconscious is the storehouse of soul issues that you are learning to be conscious of, and free yourself […]

Spiritual Effort Helps You Take Important Spiritual Steps

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Summer is here, and I am going to be taking a break for a couple months so that I can work on new material that will support your movement when I return in the fall. I will continue to send you videos from this year that will back up your spiritual […]

Observe Your Emotional Patterns

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we go, continuing our deeper look into Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you are using the tools in the last video, “Staying on the Transformation Track.” It’s a good one to reference when you need encouraging reminders when the going gets tough. In this week’s video, I am addressing emotional […]