Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are continuing to uncover the “mystery” of karma–which is really not a mystery, but a logical and fair movement of energy, intricately designed for your soul’s evolution, and involution. Every person has their own unique karmic tightrope to walk. As you learn to unravel your karma, you become more aware […]
Going Deeper – Understanding Karmic Illusions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, It is important to understand the karmic process as part of your evolutionary process. You are on a karmic wheel that moves you through lifetime after lifetime, providing opportunities to fulfill desires and neutralize karmic debt. In other lifetimes, you have created desires and debt that are playing out in this […]
Going Deeper in 2016: How Desires Create Your Lifetimes
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter week, and you check in with your Lent commitment, remember that your desire for your spiritual growth is what fuels your movement. Your experiences in each lifetime fulfill and create desires that then carry over into the next lifetime. The purpose of this desire-driven process is many-fold: […]
Going Deeper: Happiness Exists within You
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your new year going? This week’s video is a great reminder for the new year that your happiness comes from within you! Most people think that their happiness exists in some acquirement, person or situation in the world. But the truth of your being is that everything you need […]
Going Deeper: Uncovering Your Subconscious (Part Two)
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How was your exploration of the subconscious this past week? Did you have a personal experience of your own subconscious mind,or notice how it operates in your life? Even though your subconscious “iceberg” may seem daunting, there is a process that is involved which, when you are aware of it, can […]