Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we continue exploring the journey within in this week’s video, it’s important to revisit the process of moving through the subconscious mind. This is where past emotional pain and faulty thinking is stored–which keeps the human mind and personality self stuck in old patterns. What is the relationship between your […]
Las almas importantes en su vida han sido con usted anteriormente
Vimos en un mundo del karma (causa e efecto). Lo que sucede en nuestras vidas ha sido provocado por el pasado. Nuestras vidas pasadas tienen la historia de nuestra alma. Acción para tomar: Haga una lista de las almas que son muy importantes en su vida, con la sabiduría que han estados con usted en […]
Play the Game of Life!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Early in this journey of awakening to Infinite Intelligence, I realized that there were rules to life that I didn’t previously know existed. I was playing a game–the Game of Life–without knowing how to play it! In this week’s video, I am sharing with you what those rules are. The object […]
Break Free from Karmic Illusions!
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Since I have been sharing about the subconscious mind the past couple of weeks, revisiting the subject of karma is a natural next step. In this week’s video, I talk with you about your karmic play, how you formed the play your in, and how to break the illusion of who […]