Beloved Soul in Evolution, In the past few weeks, you have looked more deeply at your spiritual desire and commitment. This week’s video and journaling questions supports you in reinforcing your Observer Self. Being the Observer Self is one of the most powerful ways to change your patterns of thinking, thus changing your consciousness and […]
Working with the Easter Energy (Dissolving Emotional Pain)
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you managing yourself and all that is being brought to your attention by the Easter Energy that came in a week and a half ago? It’s here to move you, and moving you means bringing unresolved emotion to the surface for you to resolve within yourself! In this week’s […]
The Spiritual Thermometer and Your “Big I”
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Last week we revisited the Spiritual Thermometer and how it can help you observe your thinking. I hope you had a deeper experience of yourself this week as you focused on this Spiritual Power Tools. This week, I am re-sharing with you Part 2 of my discussion of the Spiritual Thermometer. […]
Observe Your Emotional Patterns
Observe Your Emotional Patterns
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we go, continuing our deeper look into Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you are using the tools in the last video, “Staying on the Transformation Track.” It’s a good one to reference when you need encouraging reminders when the going gets tough. In this week’s video, I am addressing emotional […]