The Powerful Step of Forgiveness

By learning to work with the Law of Karma (cause and effect), we begin to understand that we are evolving souls. Through love and forgiveness, we free ourselves from future incarnations. Action to take: If there is a “soul” in your life that you have issues with, forgive them. That is the way to freedom […]

Releasing Our Desires and Expectations

By opening our hearts and weeding out all desires except for the one and only true desire–which is desiring and longing for union with the ultimate reality, God–we become one with our Infinite Intelligence.  Let us ponder on this as we continue to review 2012 and prepare for new possibilities in 2013.       […]

Time to Release the Year!

Each year brings about some difficulties and disappointments. In order to flush out those old thoughts it is necessary to observe and journal these disappointments and learn what  your Soul is trying to tell you.  I learned the most about myself through my difficulties, and so will you. Actions to take: Observe Journal Release and […]

NEW: The Gift of the Seven Steps


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Lynn Barrette as she shares about the gift of Jane Elizabeth’s Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions(46 minutes)