“How did this year bring new and joyful experiences into your life? By letting go of the past, we make room for a vibrant new year. Journaling Questions for Step Two: Good Times How did this year bring new and joyful experiences to your life? Write down specific times that you were especially happy. […]
Why Is Gratitude Important?
We are now moving toward the energy and vibration of the year 2012. It is important to go through a process called “Seven Steps for Moving into the New Year. Journaling is a very important part of the releasing process. Step One — Let’s begin by answering these questions: 1. What are you thankful for […]
Gratitude Supports You through Change
Change Even though change is continuous and unavoidable part of life, transitions can be unsettling. In spiritual school you are constantly emptied in order to be refilled. Your ability to handle these experiences gracefully, and not hold onto the pain of change, enables you to be successful in life. You will then be open-minded to […]