Beloved Soul in Evolution, How far do you want to move on this spiritual journey? Your free will and spiritual desire will determine how far you go. We celebrate Easter this week and the Spiritual Power Tools’ ten year anniversary this month; and both Easter energy and the tools in that little book will support […]
God Is in the Midst of Your Real Self
When you have disappointments and difficulties in your life, you get the opportunity to see what you are really made of: strength, courage, wisdom and joy. Let go of those disappointments and difficulties, move forward and embrace the lessons and blessings of those experiences. You are much more than you think you are! The spiritual journey […]
Leave Your Ego at the Door
Evolution, as we understand it, and as it must be studied by human intellect, is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not as form. We need to consciously take responsibility for the advancement of our consciousness. Action to take: Become an observer of your daily consciousness and take action to work in the […]
Free Your Soul to Its Expression
We are never put into circumstances which are insurmountable. Our soul is completely attuned and capable of taking the challenge on. Situations are in our life to help us evolve to a higher state of awareness. Action to take: Welcome every situation or problem that comes your way with, “Thank you for this opportunity […]
Release Those Old, False Beliefs!
Do you find that your mind will fill up with thoughts from old ways of looking at yourself, others or life? Have you noticed that when you make a commitment to change your thinking, all those old, worn-out thoughts come to the surface–loud and clear? Our soul evolution is about releasing those old, false beliefs […]