By opening our hearts and weeding out all desires except for the one and only true desire–which is desiring and longing for union with the ultimate reality, God–we become one with our Infinite Intelligence. Let us ponder on this as we continue to...
Each year brings about some difficulties and disappointments. In order to flush out those old thoughts it is necessary to observe and journal these disappointments and learn what your Soul is trying to tell you. I learned the most about myself through my...
Thanksgiving is an attitude of Thankfulness. Being grateful has a vibration and energy all of its own. As we celebrate this special day with gratitude for our many blessings, we send forth a vibration that goes forward and blesses the world. ~ Jane Elizabeth ...
As we move forward on this spiritual adventure, we are beginning to understand the value of being the observer self and why detachment is so important. By now you have begun to notice how emotions play such an important role in your life and color your decision making...
We are the light of the world. How is that possible? In every atom of our body is a point of light. We all have light glowing inside of us waiting to be discovered. Once tapped, this reservoir of energy gets magnetized and brings forth new understandings and ideas and...