Meditation keeps the channel of communication open between the Soul and brain, via the mind. The first thing we have to do is learn to discriminate between our Soul’s vibration and our personality’s vibration. As you meditate, you learn to differentiate...
Revelations help us to be the Observer of our life situations so we can make new choices that support our soul. Ponder on this: What have you observed about yourself this week that has helped you make new...
Each soul must ascertain the truth of his being by becoming consciously aware that God resides within him. This can be done through prayer and meditation practices....
To attain a more elevated state of consciousness, we must take responsibility for the evolution of our Soul through meditation, listening to our inner voice, and being an observer or our thoughts and actions. ~Jane Elizabeth We are all evolving as souls, regardless if...
Now that we have made a commitment to work in the best interests of our soul, the process begins. Our soul is a fragment of God. Through meditation we are linking our consciousness to God consciousness–Universal Wisdom. By making this connection daily we are...