Meditation — The Key to Actively Participating in Your Life!

“When inner vision has been attained through the practice of meditation, light streams forth and revitalization takes place. At first it is a flash of wondrous information and instinctive realization and then, as progress is being made, it develops into...

Meditation Expands My Sense of Self

“The goal for all of us is to not limit our consciousness but to expand our understanding of what lies beyond our limited self and seek a more elevated state of awareness which will advance our...

Linking with My Soul through Meditation

“One of the rewards of meditation for us is to become conscious of our soul rather than the ego personality. As we learn to function as a soul, we can consciously understand all aspects of our being. The gateway to the soul is through daily meditation.”  ...

Forgiveness Is a Process

Although it has been many years since my divorce, I still experience emotional triggers.  I have the blessing of raising my teenage daughter full time.  I’ve experience shortness of temper at times when there should be no reason.  Through my meditation and...

Why Journal?

Why Journal? Recently I was helping a friend with rearranging his home. It was challenging because I felt there was an easier way to get things done. As the day wore on I felt more and more agitated and impatient, not only with the task at hand but also with my...