Latest Videos
Going Deeper: Releasing Hopes and Dreams
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How did your week go, releasing your Disappointments and Difficulties from 2015? You may find that you have other situations to add to that step as you continue this process. In this week's video and journaling questions, you have the...
Going Deeper – Releasing the Year
Beloved Soul in Evolution, It's that time of year again! Time to release the energy from this year to prepare yourself for the new year using the Seven Steps for Releasing the Year process. In this week's video, we begin this process with Step 4: Disappointments and...
Going Deeper – Dealing with Change
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Changes arise every day to help make you stronger, moving you out of old patterns that have kept you stuck. You develop important spiritual skills that continue to support you on the awakening of your consciousness. Embrace the changes--and...
Seven Steps for Releasing the Year, Part 1 – Sunday Course
Audio only: Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Seven Steps for Releasing the Year Disappointments and Difficulties--Step One Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What...
Your Awakening Soul – Sunday Course
Audio only: Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on the Soul, Part 3 Your Awakening Soul Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood...
New Resources
Dar todos las acciones a Dios
Como la nueva energía de Pascua sigue para ayudarnos, debemos permitir que nosotros mismos nos mezclemos con nuestro Sublime Ser. Nuestro Sublime Ser que ama, sirve y medita incondicionalmente, mientras que el ego quiere la atención para sus acciones. Como nos...
Dios satisface nuestros deseos
Sus deseos son muy importantes para su crecimiento espiritual. Dios satisface nuestros deseos. Cada deseo que tiene se mide por su pasión y compromiso. Si somos apasionados y comprometidos en su realización, se cumplirá ese deseo. Acción para tomar: Anote su deseo más...
Support Your Soul
Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth. Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.
Trusting Your Intuition – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Intuition Trusting Your Intuition Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from...
Intuition Will Set You Free! – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Intuition Intuition Will Set You Free! Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you...
What Is Intuition? – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Intuition What Is Intuition? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from...
Revealing Your Hidden Consciousness – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Introduction to the Subconscious Revealing Your Hidden Consciousness Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What...
Understanding Your Whole Self – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Introduction to the Subconscious Understanding Your Whole Self Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three...
What Is in Your Subconscious Mind? – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Introduction to the Subconscious What Is in Your Subconscious Mind? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What...
Your Karmic Desires – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Karma, Part 5 Your Karmic Desires Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from...
You Are More than Your Karma – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Karma, Part 4 You Are More than Your Karma Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to...
The Wheel of Karma – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Karma, Part 3 The Wheel of Karma Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from...