CF Enlightenment

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Going Deeper – Let Go of Your Ego Self

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Sometimes on the spiritual path, you are asked to let go of something that might seem important to you, but is actually impeding your spiritual progress. By nature, the ego is attached to many third dimensional people, places, things,...

Going Deeper – Your Soul Wants to Evolve

Beloved Soul in Evolution, You are always evolving and changing, with many opportunities for soul evolution every day. You speed up your soul's evolution as you embrace those things and people you don't like! You get to find out more about who you are, and you become...

Going Deeper: You Are Unlimited as a Spiritual Being!‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you become aligned with your spiritual Self, your life changes! You let go of the ego desires that take your energy from your spiritual life. You find that you get to use all of your gifts for your spiritual alignment, a process worth its...


From the Opposites into Love – Sunday Course

 Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on the Opposites From the Opposites into Love Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to...

Moving Beyond the Opposites – Sunday Course

 Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on the Opposites Moving Beyond the Opposites Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This...

New Resources

Se aclare los misterios de la mente

Anotaciones en su Diario es una herramienta importante para aclarárse los misterios de su mente a subconsciente. Se puede llegar a la raíz de un problema más rápido que el hablar de ello o tratar de resolverlo en la cabeza. Se permite un flujo de la conciencia que se...

Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Fan the Flame of Desire – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Desire, Part 2 Fan the Flame of Spiritual Desire Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey...

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What Is Your Heart’s True Desire? – Sunday Course

 Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Desire, Part 1 What Is Your Heart's True Desire? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual...

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Jewel from Jane: Step Three: Forgiveness for 2023 – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Seven Steps for Releasing the Year Step Three: Forgiveness Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This...

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