Going Deeper – Love and the Opposites‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, In the third dimension, where the human self lives, the opposites affect us all day long. They dominate our thinking, putting us on one side of an issue, then on the other side, and not ever giving us the truth of who we are. There is a...

Going Deeper – Your Desires and Infinite Intelligence

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Desire is the biggest drive for God Consciousness because it compels you to know more about your finite self, and all the way to awakening as Infinite Intelligence. You are finite in the midst of the Infinite. Your journey through the third...

Going Deeper: The Path to God Realization

Beloved Soul in Evolution, When was the last time you contemplated your soul’s entire evolutionary process? Your piece of consciousness has gone through many, many stages of consciousness, expanding in awareness and third dimensional expression exponentially at...

Going Deeper – Desire Brings Forth New Spiritual Equipment‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Happy Thanksgiving! Whether you gather with friends and family today, or are celebrating Thanksgiving on your own, this is a day to be grateful for the support of the universe that is with you every effort you make on your spiritual...

Going Deeper – The Pure Essence of Your Being

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I talk to you so much about your spiritual journey from humanhood to Godhood because it is the journey that you are on. There are many aspects to this awakening, and you won’t get it all done in one lifetime; but you are on your way,...