Understanding the Ingredients of Your Soul

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Thank you for being a part of my life! You are a soul evolving! What is your soul made of? How does it evolve? In this week’s video, I describe your soul using my favorite analogy of a birthday cake! It demonstrates the many aspects of...

Your Evolutionary Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, To begin this new year, I am reviewing certain aspects of the spiritual journey with you. The new energy that came in for 2014 is moving humanity forward, and it is supporting you in moving forward, too. The evolutionary journey requires you...

Dissolving Emotional Pain

Happy New Year, Beloved Soul in Evolution! Do you want to dissolve your emotional pain this year? When you are working on your soul’s evolution, there are a lot of pent-up emotions that come up to be resolved. You live in the opposites within the third...

What Happens after You Die?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you have enjoyed my videos on breaking illusions these last few weeks. I am sure you have been noticing illusions in your life that you have had to release, which then opened you to a wider perspective on the Reality of who you are....

Soul Evolutionist – Karmic Illusions

Beloved Soul in Evolution, We continue our discussion on illusions this week, and I am breaking down the karmic process for you. It is important to understand the karmic process as part of your evolutionary process. You are on a karmic wheel that moves you through...

Spiritual Detoxification Symptoms

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you enjoyed your week renewing–or perhaps beginning–your daily meditation practice! If you have more questions about meditation, send them to me anytime! This week, I am focusing on what can happen as we deepen our...