Beloved Soul in Evolution, Forgiveness, as you know, is very important on this journey. Forgiveness helps you let go of yourself, your self-doubt, false beliefs about yourself. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs from your experiences get “stuffed” into...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Awakening to Infinite Consciousness is like having a veil lifted. Your desire for your spiritual growth is a message that you are sending to the Universe that you want to change and grow. That energy and vibration goes out and touches...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you do your spiritual work of developing your observer self, you become more in control of your consciousness and more aligned with your true purpose: Being fully aware of your Infinite Self. Your intuition is a valuable piece of...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Living from your Higher Self, and breaking free from your lower self is what you are striving to accomplish right now. That below-the-five (on the Spiritual Thermometer) ego self doesn’t want to do anything that supports its own demise...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Involution is the process of going within after many lifetimes of evolving your soul, and unwinding the karma of lifetimes while also learning about who you are as an Infinite Being. That inward journey has many steps to it, and it takes...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, On this spiritual journey, it is important to always keep yourself on track with what you need to be doing to support your forward movement. When you learn one concept, you have to master it before you will receive a new step to work on....
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