Beloved Soul in Evolution, Did you look closely at your desires this week? What did you discover about yourself? In this video, I am taking you deeper with the importance and impact of your desires from one lifetime to the next. In fact, I have dedicated this year,...
Happy New Year, Beloved Soul in Evolution! Do you want to dissolve your emotional pain this year? When you are working on your soul’s evolution, there are a lot of pent-up emotions that come up to be resolved. You live in the opposites within the third...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, The new year is almost here! You have been preparing your consciousness to move into 2014 with a clean state. With this week’s video, you are working on the most important step: Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift you give...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Have you enjoyed our discussion about the subconscious mind the past couple of weeks? You have probably learned that when insights come to the surface from your subconscious, emotions arise with them. In this week’s video, I am going...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you have enjoyed my videos on breaking illusions these last few weeks. I am sure you have been noticing illusions in your life that you have had to release, which then opened you to a wider perspective on the Reality of who you are....
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We continue our discussion on illusions this week, and I am breaking down the karmic process for you. It is important to understand the karmic process as part of your evolutionary process. You are on a karmic wheel that moves you through...
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