Latest Videos
Meditation: A Tool for Receiving Guidance
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your exploration in meditation going? Have the questions you've been working with supported a deepening in your meditation practice? In this week's video, I am sharing more about the importance of meditation on the spiritual journey....
Meditation in Support of Your Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you know so well, meditation is an important part in the evolution of your soul. Now that you have examined your desire for spiritual awakening, made an inner commitment to back up that desire, and engaged your active observer of self, it...
Generating a Spiritual Desire
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you have learned, a desire to know your true Self is necessary to move into your next level of consciousness. Take a moment to ponder and review all that you know about this part of your spiritual journey. First, there can often be a...
Overcoming Your Resistance to Journaling – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Journaling, Part 2: Overcoming Your Resistance to Journaling Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your...
Journaling to Untangle Your Soul – Sunday Course
Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on Journaling, Part 1: Journaling to Untangle Your Soul Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual...
New Resources
Elija el mayor bien para todos
No hay manera para hacer todo lo que sepa que se necesita hacer, por lo tanto, haga lo que llevará la mayor cantidad de bienestar para la mayor cantidad de personas con las almas que buscan un sendero más alto. English: Choose the Greatest Good For...
Mueva a la conciencia del alma
La función principal de la mente intelectual es analizar, razonar y memorizar. La función principal de la mente intuitiva es ampliar nuestra conciencia. Al desarrollar la intuición, la mente intelectual ocupa un segundo lugar después de la...
¡Su presencia CUENTA!
La meditación, la puerta de entrada al alma
La meditación alinea la mente consciente y subconsciente
Expansión de la conciencia
El objetivo para todos nosotros es para no limitar nuestra conciencia pero a ampliar nuestra comprensión de lo que está más allá de nuestro ser limitado y buscar un estado más elevado de conciencia que permitirá avanzar de nuestra alma.
Expansión de la conciencia