Leave Your Ego at the Door

Evolution, as we understand it, and as it must be studied by human intellect, is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not as form. We need to consciously take responsibility for the advancement of our consciousness. Action to take: Become an observer of your daily consciousness and take action to work in the […]

Participate in Your Soul Evolution

To attain a more elevated state of consciousness, we must take responsibility for the evolution of our Soul through meditation, listening to our inner voice, and being an observer or our thoughts and actions. ~Jane Elizabeth We are all evolving as souls, regardless if one is conscious of it or not.  Why not be good […]

The Road to My Soul

When we marry our will with our desire, the next step is to develop courage to make spiritual decisions and to abide by them.  It is important to remember that the more courage we develop, the stronger it gets, and the faster we move our consciousness. Ponder on this —  What is the next courageous […]