Love Is the Highest Energy

We are the light of the world. How is that possible? In every atom of our body is a point of light. We all have light glowing inside of us waiting to be discovered. Once tapped, this reservoir of energy gets magnetized and brings forth new understandings and ideas and unveils our pure essence of […]

Everything You Do Is Spiritual

A soul in service to humanity learns the power of love. Every act of kindness done in love brings more light and power into the world. When we give from the love of our Being and ask nothing in return, we become the richest soul on earth. Action to take: Find opportunities daily to love and […]

Love Is a Verb, a Noun, and Makes the World Go ‘Round

Every loving deed, every aspiring thought and every unselfish action supports your evolution. Action to take: Work in the best interest of your soul.                                                       ~ Jane Elizabeth No matter how you define love–if you can truly define love–there are a few things for sure: Love is the most powerful of all of our emotions and […]

Aligning with Universal Love

Evolution, as we understand it, and as it must be studied by human intellect, is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not as form. We need to consciously take responsibility for the advancement of our consciousness. This can be done when we become an observer of our daily consciousness and take action to […]