Exploring the Self Study Lessons A Deeper Dive into Becoming the Observer Self (Part 3) Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey this Week: What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday’s course? How are you applying those new insights to […]
More on Becoming the Observer Self – Self Study Lesson Course
Exploring the Self Study Lessons More on Becoming the Observer Self (Part 2) Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey this Week: What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday’s course? How are you applying those new insights to your daily life […]
Going Deeper – Unraveling Your Karma
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Karma is the great balancing system of the universe, cause and effect in action. This law has been created to support the evolution of consciousness; and therefore, plays an important part in the evolution of your soul. Karma is created by experiences we’ve had in the opposites of the third dimension. […]
Going Deeper – Commit to Your Inward Journey
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Involution is the process of going within after many lifetimes of evolving your soul, and unwinding the karma of lifetimes while also learning about who you are as an Infinite Being. That inward journey has many steps to it, and it takes time. You are wired for spiritual awakening! Your desire […]
Going Deeper: More Support on Becoming the Active Observer of Your Emotions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, In this week’s video and journaling questions, I want to share with you more about the importance of the Observer Self in dissolving emotional patterns and making important changes in your soul’s expression. The Observer Self is a piece of equipment that belongs to you and watches over you. It helps […]