Transcending the Ego Step by Step – Self Study Lesson Course

Exploring the Self Study Lessons Transcending the Ego Step by Step Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday’s course? How are you applying those new insights to your daily life experiences this […]

Meditation: A Tool for Receiving Guidance

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your exploration in meditation going? Have the questions you’ve been working with supported a deepening in your meditation practice? In this week’s video, I am sharing more about the importance of meditation on the spiritual journey. When you connect with your higher self, you are connecting with all the […]

Release the Year — Step Four: Disappointments and Difficulties

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you are taking each time, doing your homework on these Seven Steps for moving into the new year. In this week’s video, I am addressing more specifically those Disappointments and Difficulties. This is an important step for the evolution of your soul. I found that the biggest difficulties in […]

Spiritual Freedom through Understanding Your Soul

By learning to work with the Law of Karma (cause and effect), we begin to understand that we are evolving souls. Through love and forgiveness, we free ourselves from future incarnations. Action to take:  If there is a “soul” in your life that you have issues with, forgive them. That is the way to freedom […]

What Is Life All About?

The goal for all of us is to not limit our consciousness but to expand our understanding of what lies beyond our limited self and seek a more elevated state of awareness which will advance our souls.                                     […]