Commitment Is the Key

Beloved Soul in Evolution, After you pay attention to your deep desire for more than this third dimensional world, commitment is the next key to taking responsibility for your soul. Once you recognize the importance of generating sufficient desire energy to begin to move your spiritual progress forward, then you must back that aspiration up […]

Will to Will the Will of God

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Thank you for your spiritual commitments for Lent that you sent me. I am holding them in my heart in support of your spiritual awakening during these weeks before Easter. In this week’s video lesson, I talk about one of my favorite Spiritual Power Tools: the Spiritual Thermometer. We are climbing […]

The Many Aspects of Love

Beloved Soul in Evolution, This is the week for celebrating Love. Since we are God-beings, we have the DNA of God’s love within us, but through our many incarnations, we have forgotten that love. As Soul Evolutionists, we are reawakening that love within us, and learning how to love in a new, more conscious way. […]

What Is a Soul Evolutionist?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I am excited to announce that Words from the Hart is being replaced by a series entitled “Soul Evolutionist”. This series will consist of a weekly video and spiritual message in support of your evolving soul. Today’s video launches this new series and is designed to ignite that fire in your […]