CF Enlightenment

Latest Videos

The “Aftermath” of Easter — What Will You Do with that Energy?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Welcome to the aftermath of Easter! The energy blast came in--what are you going to do with that energy? In this week's video, I am sharing with you information about energy and how it comes in to support your soul's evolution. Energy is a...

Moving Beyond Your Limited Self

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter, how has your Lenten commitment supported you, and how have you supported your commitment? I am re-sharing this week's video because I am talking with you about purifying yourself, and going beyond your little "I". Your...

Your Present Moment Connection ~ A Meditation to Support Your Soul

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we continue towards Easter, I am sharing this week's video meditation to support your commitment to yourself, to your Easter awakening. Everything you need is in the present moment. Meditation helps you connect to the Infinite Presence...


Using Your Observer Self – Sunday Course

 Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on the Observer Self, Part 2 Using Your Observer Self Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual...

What Is the Observer Self? – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Self Study Lesson on the Observer Self, Part 1 What Is the Observer Self? Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual...

New Resources

Elevar su conciencia

Para alcanzar un estado más elevado de conciencia, debemos tomar la responsabilidad por la evolución de nuestra alma a través de la meditación, escuchar la voz interior, y ser un observador de nuestros pensamientos y acciones. English:...

Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Going Deeper: Take Yourself into the Next Dimension of Being

Beloved Soul in Evolution, To detach yourself from outer situations and drama, the ego must be displaced by your soul energy. This doesn't mean that you are aloof from life! It means that your focus is on the bigger picture, supporting yourself and your family,...

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Going Deeper – You Make the Dream Happen

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Never give up on yourself! Your Soul is always working to move you into a greater expression of your essence. You have within you everything it takes to move into a greater awareness, a greater evolution of your consciousness. As you release...

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Going Deeper – Desire to Grow

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Your desires are the most important thing that you own. For many lifetimes, you have been desiring things and getting some of them fulfilled, some of them not. But you can continue to harness that power of desire to fuel your spiritual...

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Going Deeper – Let God Dream in You‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Your spiritual journey requires you to be flexible and free to turn on a dime. To move from one karmic situation to the next, you can use the Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions to help you to make the switch more easily. As you move...

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Going Deeper – Reincarnation and Forgiveness‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Continuing with forgiveness, souls you are close to in this lifetime have been with you before, like them or not. They are there for a purpose, and you can uncover and understand your responsibility to that soul. That is how we work with our...

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Going Deeper – The Value of Forgiveness‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Forgiveness, as you know, is very important on this journey. Forgiveness helps you let go of yourself, your self-doubt, false beliefs about yourself. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs from your experiences get "stuffed" into your...

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Going Deeper – Working with Your Life Plan‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Awakening to Infinite Consciousness is like having a veil lifted. Your desire for your spiritual growth is a message that you are sending to the Universe that you want to change and grow. That energy and vibration goes out and touches...

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Going Deeper: Your Perfect Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you learn to raise your vibration on your spiritual journey, you also learn to connect your will to the Universal Will. What equipment is needed to raise consciousness, based on your individual expression? Taking the unit of energy that...

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Going Deeper – Own Your God Self‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move into the Presence of the Infinite, you have to own that Presence. How do you do that? You have the responsibility and opportunity to awaken to your Infinite Self in this lifetime. Don't become complacent with the spiritual...

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