The only way to make this transition from knowledge to wisdom is to focus on the “NOW” moment. It allows us to use our Mind differently. Why is this important? The mind, when it is in the state of NOW, is an electrical energy, vibration and a powerful...
Our desires are very important, because God will fulfill our every desire, if not this life time, then in a future life. Action to take: Watch this week’s YouTube video. Make a list of your heart’s desires. Next, prioritize your desires. Now release them...
We live in a world of Karma (cause and effect). Whatever is going on in our life, has been brought forth from the past. Our past lives are the history of our Soul. Action to take: Make a list of the really important souls in your life, with the knowledge that they...
Why is meditation essential to moving in consciousness? When we meditate we awaken new brain cells that have previously been dormant. When activated, new information/revelations can easily flow into our consciousness. Action to take: Meditate and open up new brain...
How do we identify our real Self? First, we recognize that we are souls that have evolved through eons of time. We have had many selves. Every time we reincarnated we got a new personality. Action to take: Observe your ego in action. What do you think or focus on...
We are more than this body. It is only the vehicle to house our soul. When we understand that on a spiritual level, we are then able to begin the process of releasing the personality and becoming conscious of our soul. Action to take: Meditation opens up the avenue to...