Desire and Commitment on Your Journey

How to Use Spiritual Power Tools to Support Your Soul March 14th Recording Click on the image at left for video recording. Click here for the audio of yesterday’s course. Love Offering For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey this Week: What three ideas stood...

How to Use Spiritual Power Tools to Support Your Soul : The Soul

Recording from the March 7, 2021, Sunday Course Kick-Off! Click here for the audio of today’s course. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey this Week: What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday’s course? How are you applying those new insights to...

Recognize the Vibration of Your Inner Guidance

Learning to listen to your divine guidance is very important for many reasons.  It is helping you develop your intuition and inner voice and learn to recognize its different vibrations. Your willingness is the only condition necessary. Release your investment in...

Practice Using Your Intuition

Intuition is an abstract experience.  It is not the mind, common sense, or value judgments.  By observing ourselves, we become aware of how our consciousness operates.  Through this process we learn the difference between the ego/mind and the higher...

Develop Your Intuitive Mind

The intellectual mind’s main function is to analyze, reason and memorize. The intuitive mind’s main function is to expand our consciousness. As we develop our intuition, our intellectual mind takes second place to the intuitive mind. Our intuition is the...

Move Beyond the Opposites

Our ego was created to live in the world of opposites. We evaluate ourselves from this point of view: pain and pleasure, love, hate, joy, sorrow–all the different experiences in the opposites. There comes a time in our evolution when we no longer need to...