Going Deeper – Understanding Karmic Illusions‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, It is important to understand the karmic process as part of your evolutionary process. You are on a karmic wheel that moves you through lifetime after lifetime, providing opportunities to fulfill desires and neutralize karmic debt. In other...

Going Deeper: Strength for Your Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I support my soul, and where do I get the strength to do this work?” As you are working with your spiritual commitment for Lent, this week’s video will give you a boost of energy and...

Going Deeper: The Path to God Realization

Beloved Soul in Evolution, When was the last time you contemplated your soul’s entire evolutionary process? Your piece of consciousness has gone through many, many stages of consciousness, expanding in awareness and third dimensional expression exponentially at...

Release the Year’s Disappointments and Difficulties‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, It’s that time of year again! Time to release the energy from this year to prepare yourself for the new year using the Seven Steps for Releasing the Year process. In this week’s video, we begin this process with Step 4:...

The Importance of Meditation

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you doing exploring and working with your inner voice? In this week’s video and journaling questions, I share with you more about how necessary meditation is for your spiritual awakening. The story of your spiritual journey is...

Jesus’ Evolution into Christ Consciousness

Beloved Soul in Evolution, What are you releasing for Lent to support your soul’s evolution? Are you meditating more? Making a commitment to journal a little every day? Practicing being in the present moment throughout the day? Any effort you make will help you...