Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter, how has your Lenten commitment supported you, and how have you supported your commitment? I am re-sharing this week’s video because I am talking with you about purifying yourself, and going beyond your little “I”. Your Infinite “I” has been with you for eons of time, all […]
Your Present Moment Connection ~ A Meditation to Support Your Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we continue towards Easter, I am sharing this week’s video meditation to support your commitment to yourself, to your Easter awakening. Everything you need is in the present moment. Meditation helps you connect to the Infinite Presence that loves you, guides you, supports you, IS the very essence of you. […]
Your Spiritual Journey of Discovery, Part 2
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are moving toward Easter, and your soul is calling out to become a greater part of you! In this week’s video, I am talking about the “God Computer”–a visual I used throughout my journey to connect to my Higher Self when I didn’t know how. I would visualize myself tapping […]
Supporting Your Spiritual Journey during Lent
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Thank you for sending me your spiritual commitments for Lent. I am holding you in my heart during these weeks before Easter. In this week’s video, I talk about one of my favorite Spiritual Power Tools: the Spiritual Thermometer. You are climbing your ladder of spiritual growth, one rung at a […]
Jesus’ Evolution into Christ Consciousness
Beloved Soul in Evolution, What are you releasing for Lent to support your soul’s evolution? Are you meditating more? Making a commitment to journal a little every day? Practicing being in the present moment throughout the day? Any effort you make will help you take a big step forward at Easter! In this week’s video, […]