Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your exploration in meditation going? Have the questions you’ve been working with supported a deepening in your meditation practice? In this week’s video, I am sharing more about the importance of meditation on the spiritual journey. When you connect with your higher self, you are connecting with all the […]
Mastering the Mind
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you are enjoying revisiting my videos this summer. While I am working on a new project that will support you, this is a good time to refresh and practice tools for the journey. In this week’s video, I continue the focus on mastering the mind. The importance of this […]
Understanding the Differences between the Third and Fourth Dimensions
Understanding the Differences between the Third and Fourth Dimensions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Even though our Spiritual Power Tools celebration month is over, I will continue going through this powerful little book at a deeper level than I have with you in the past. In this week’s video, I continue discussing the differences between the third and fourth dimension. The most important thing to […]
Moving from the Third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension
Beloved Soul in Evolution, April continues our celebration of the ten year anniversary of Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you have been keeping up with this series on this powerful little book. I’ve been sharing with you deeper meanings within these chapters. This book is my life and is filled with God Essence. In this […]