Desire Your Spiritual Equipment Upgrade!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you doing observing your desires, and giving energy only to the one that is most important to you? When you put your desire energy into that one desire to know the Infinite Intelligence of God, you push open the door to a new...

Nuestro reflector interno

La luz es una vibración. Cada uno de nosotros es reconocido por la vitalidad de nuestra luz. Cuanto más meditamos, el más brillante nuestra luz brilla. Mientras avanzamos hacia una conciencia más elevada, tenemos la capacidad dentro de...

How Desires Create Your Lifetimes

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Did you look closely at your desires this week? What did you discover about yourself? In this video, I am taking you deeper with the importance and impact of your desires from one lifetime to the next. In fact, I have dedicated this year,...